Swedish Space Corporation (SSC), an Ovzon partner, has placed an initial limited order for Ovzon SATCOM-as-a-Service utilizing the recently operationalized Ovzon 3 satellite. The service was provided 24 hours after the request was made.
Ovzon’s SATCOM-as-a-Service is renowned for providing high performance, mobility, and resilience in supporting mission-critical operations. The delivery demonstrates SSC’s ongoing faith in Ovzon’s ability to offer cutting-edge SATCOM services to Swedish government organizations. Compared to the order that SSC sent in December 2023, this one is related to a different end-user.
“We are thrilled that SSC has placed another order with us. Now that Ovzon 3 is in operation for business, the company is dedicated to offering progressive governments and organizations in Sweden and other countries unparalleled, assured satellite communication solutions, says Ovzon’s CEO, Per Norén.