The Space Force’s Space Systems Command (SSC) has designated Orbit Fab’s RAFTI (Rapidly Attachable Fluid Transfer Interface) refuelling port as a refuelling interface for in-space military satellite refuelling. Orbit Fab is the leading provider of on-orbit refuelling services.
The recommendation that RAFTI satisfies the technological requirements to support a broad range of U.S. Government space operations was made by the System Engineering Review Board (SERB) of the SSC after mission-critical assessments.
Orbit Fab’s RAFTI refuelling port and GRIPTM refuelling nozzle put it in a good position to accommodate the Space Force’s need for refuelling as a commercial service. Reusable fuel shuttles and satellites will be made possible by in-orbit fuel depots outfitted with RAFTIs and fuel shuttles outfitted with the GRIP.
A first-of-its-kind refuelling operation is scheduled to take place in the coming year, with the Space Force Tetra-5 program satellites scheduled to be among the first to utilize Orbit Fab’s RAFTI refuelling ports. That is only one of the numerous government and private initiatives, both known and unknown, that have acquired RAFTI for the purpose of enabling spacecraft to be fuelled both on the ground and in orbit.
Orbit Fab was chosen as part of the RAPIDS Refuelling and Fuel Depot Initiative by the Defence Innovation Unit (DIU) of the Department of Defence, which has a contract with Orbit Fab for the first in-space fuel sale in GEO orbit.
CEO Daniel Faber stated, “Space Systems Command’s endorsement is a major milestone for Orbit Fab’s RAFTI refuelling port. Our port provides a simple, affordable way to refuel spacecraft, increasing mission flexibility and extension. We can’t wait to work together.”
The first refueling interface to be flight qualified is Orbit Fab’s RAFTI, which was accomplished earlier this year after passing a series of demanding tests and evaluations. The RAFTI refuelling port is easily integrated with the RAFTI Ground Coupling, a ground infrastructure interface that allows payload processing facilities, manufacturers, and spacecraft operators to replace standard fill-and-drain service valves with RAFTI for safe and dependable in-orbit refuelling in addition to secure ground fuelling at the launch site.